What is Post-Commotion Syndrome?
One or another degree of severity post-commotion disorders are observed for 3-4 weeks after each severe traumatic brain injury.
Causes of Post-Commotion Syndrome
The syndrome occurs after a traumatic brain injury (usually with loss of consciousness).
Symptoms of Post-Commotion Syndrome
The syndrome includes a number of different symptoms of a vegetative nature, dizziness, headaches, hyperacusis, high sensitivity to light, asthenic complaints. They may be accompanied by depression or anxiety, hypochondria, difficulty concentrating, emotional lability, and reduced tolerance to alcohol. Perhaps the formation of a vicious cycle as a result of fixation on the main symptoms.
Diagnosis of Post-Commotion Syndrome
It is based on anamnestic data, symptoms of cephalalgia, dizziness, affective instability, weakness, asthenia after a traumatic brain injury. With repeated injuries, the diagnosis is intermediate, organic personality disorders increase.
Differential diagnosis
For differential diagnosis, it is advisable to take into account the data of additional research methods (EEG, oculonistagmography, CT, spinal puncture), since symptoms may indicate the presence of a hematoma.
Post-Commotion Syndrome Treatment
A gentle regimen, the use of nootropics (nootropil, phenibut, glutamic acid, encephabol, aminalon), small doses of tranquilizers (bushpar, seduxen, relanium) should be recommended.