What is Induced Crazy Disorder?
The prevalence of induced delusional disorders is underestimated. Only in recent decades dozens of religious and political movements have emerged, the success of which was maintained by induction. For example, communism, samaji, etc. A number of these movements imply the possibility of group and ritual murder and suicide, they all modify behavior and lead to peculiar personality changes even after leaving the sect.
Causes of Induced Crazy Disorder
Mental processes are normally characterized by high inductance, however, the induction of ideas is facilitated by the situation of a religious sect, a closed totalitarian society, an anomalous family, geographic or cultural (including language) isolation. It is easier to induce children and teenagers, people with low intelligence. Women, especially in pre-menopausal age, are more susceptible to induction than men. At one time, it was induction that lay at the basis of the formation of religious and political trends. Induction can be directed and deliberate, for example in advertising and politics. The psychological influence of the inducer and the recipient is mutual, that is, the recipient by their behavior and expression helps to enhance the production of the inductor. Biology of induction is based on the effect of an audience, a crowd, or “social relief,” that is, a mechanism in which a particular behavior is carried out faster if it is observed in others. Due to this effect, the most unqualified psychotherapist can achieve the induction of experiences in a large audience, if “correctly” selects 2-3 inductors.
Symptoms of Induced Crazy Disorder
Induced by delusions in a couple and a group associated with the ideas of poisoning, persecution, religious ideas, in particular the ideas of the end of the world. The inductor himself actually has psychotic experience, experiences auditory hallucinations or was a “witness”, for example, coming, religious image, anomalous smell, taste, etc. The recipient often reproduces this picture in all details, sometimes dissociated individuals complement it with their fantasies. This simulates the behavior, voice, habits of the inductor. This similarity between the recipients and the inductor makes it difficult to figure out the inductor or inductors. The only way is to separate the inductor and the recipients, if the recipients after the separation of psychopathological products pale, then the inductor, it can even flourish, because it can consider itself “a victim of testing.” So far, there are induced experiences of the “evil eye”, “damage”, “witchcraft”, “alien invasion”, “doomsday”, the coming of the Messiah, which, if they do not reach the epidemic level, are still constantly present in any culture and are supported by inducing and subsequent fantasizing. Inductors usually refer to dominant personalities, and recipients to subordinate, suggestible, and dependent individuals.
Delirium often spreads like a real epidemic among members of sects. The group of disorders observed in members of messianic sects can inductively propagate. The basis of the ideas of the members of the sects is the confidence of the imminent coming and the millennial kingdom of the Messiah, who is called to rebuild the world. Members of messianic sects, both earlier and now are the source of entire religious and political movements, heresies and parties. Sometimes acute paraphrenia occurs as acute nonsense during the period of the religious cult, as well as in the event of critical situations in a destructive political situation. This explains the “cultomania” during the collapse of the USSR.
One of the archaic versions of messianism is cargo-cult syndrome (English cargo – cargo). At first, it was observed on the islands of Micronesia and Oceania in the form of the rapid spread of rumors that white people would soon leave the islanders and they would receive a lot of goods that a white ship would deliver to them (Tokarev, 1978). The rumor distributor, the “new Messiah,” was characterized by:
- confidence in the communication of souls, the proof of which he considered his own deceptions of perception, for example, he felt that he was able to read the thoughts of others;
- women become prestigious symbols in thinking, hence the desire for patronage in relation to them and random sexual intercourse, the desire to receive and make rich gifts, increase the prestige of certain foods, food selectivity, a certain hierarchy in relation to animals;
- “The Messiah” spreads its influence only within a certain linguistic group;
- the use of the “Messiah” of neologisms, more often the word cado, possibly the corresponding lat. cados is the tail.
The Messiah prepares disciples and followers, invents a new morality and code of morals, distances himself with the group from the main settlement. His clothes are distinguished by some unusualness, sometimes the tone of the clothes is flashy and elaborate. In an exaltation state, he destroys pigs, which are an extremely prestigious symbol in Micronesia and Oceania, suffice it to say that women breastfeed newborn piglets. The Messianic often refuses food and spends money, often destroying it for strange reasons. State of anxiety, expectation of a miracle, the desire for immediate action, the expectation of the Coming or the end of the world, aimed, ultimately, to achieve joy and happiness, are induced in mass performances.
For the first time, chiliastrism as a mass current is described on Samoa (1826-1841) as the movement of the “maman”, then on Hybrids (1867-1968) in the Kaon sect. Later in Fiji (1873) in the Tuka sect, on the New Hybrids (1938) in the John Frum sect, and on the Solomon Islands (1945) – Masinga. Although any religious-political movement develops according to the same mechanisms, some of them are quite progressive, for example, the major-how movement (1864-1868), the Muslim movements of the 20th century. Clashes between members of the movements and the authorities lead to the formation of the roles of martyrs, which reinforce the inductive influence of the sect.
Syndromes are close to chiliastrism, in which the position of the Messiah is replaced by the prestigious role of the ancestor, a deceased member of the clan, the “prince”. Such syndromes are induced by the belief in the imminent coming of an “illegally killed” with rich gifts. Syndromes of this type are described in New Guinea as an epidemic pathology called vailala madness. The disease inducer trembles, is anxious, its movements are automatic, sometimes it freezes.
That is how the White Brotherhood and Wissarionism have recently arisen. The latest epidemic is connected with the name of Marina Mamontova (Tsvigun), who called herself Maria Devi Christos, and Yuri Krivonogov, called Yuoann Swami. Yu. Krivonogov, candidate of technical sciences, cybernetics, the technique of modifying consciousness using elements of hypnosis is attributed to him. According to other sources, during the childbirth, M. Tsvigun was injected with calypsol and she experienced a sort of one-android episode, which was the basis for the subsequent religious interpretation. The White Brotherhood launched an unprecedented propaganda company that covered the most significant cities of Ukraine, with the aim of warning about the end of the world, which was to be held on November 14, 1993, the self-immolation of members of the Brotherhood was scheduled for the same date. The finances of the Brotherhood consisted of voluntary contributions of members who gave all their funds to his fund. The leaflets of the Brotherhood, along with a warning about the end of the world and an affirmation of the messianic role of Mary, included political and even economic assessments of the country, whose condition was very difficult. As a result of the isolation of the group, about 700 of its members were detained, 60 of them gathered on Sofievskaya Square in Kiev on the day of the alleged “end”. During the investigation of the activities of the Brotherhood, about 30 tons of literature were seized.
Apocalyptic epidemics, accompanied by induction and messianism, were also observed on October 28, 1992 under the leadership of Pastor Lee Young Lin, in December 1993 under the supervision of the missionary church of Diver. At the same time, 200 thousand members of the Dami sect were waiting for the end of the world at a stadium in Seoul (South Korea).
However, the future of paraphrenic and induced experiences consists not only in the spontaneous emergence of messianism, but in techniques for increasing the importance of the self. Currently, most psychotechnics in psychotherapy are aimed at strengthening the self, its restoration and correction, but it is possible that their future consists in the structural formation of a unique and a significant I, which is always colored by an element of greatness, at least in a state of inspiration. Some psychotherapists and reflexologists earlier and now unconsciously used and are using all the elements of messianism.
Diagnosis of Induced Delusional Disorder
The diagnosis is based on the following criteria:
- Delirium in the dominant person is often schizophrenic, the delirium of the recipient usually disappears when separated.
- One, two or more persons share delirium and a delusional system, support each other in this belief.
- The inductor and the recipient have close relationships (family, territorial, religious).
- There is information about the induction of delirium to the recipient by contact with the inductor.
- Induced hallucinations are possible.
Differential diagnosis
Induced delusional disorder should be differentiated from conventional psychological induction as normative behavior.
In particular, the inductor can be a simple sensitizer, the first to hear the smell of gas, which is not yet felt by the rest. His information induces recipients, but it must be objectively verified. This also applies to the ideas of persecution, reformism. The situation is more complicated with religious induction. The so-called “objective” judgment here can be accepted only with obviously ridiculous statements that are not included in the specific traditional religion context.
Treatment for Induced Delusional Disorder
The separation of the inductor and the recipients is subsequently accompanied by various tactics in relation to them. The inductor should be treated as a patient with delusions, the recipient after the loss of a dominant person feels his own abandonment and spiritual emptiness. This requires lengthy rehabilitation and addiction psychotherapy. Much of this therapy is similar to exposure and rehabilitation for addiction to psychoactive substances.