Other Organic Personality Disorders

What are Other Organic Personality Disorders?

Disorders are observed in the majority of premature babies, children born as a result of abnormal labor, occur on the background of minimal brain dysfunction and belong to this group.

Causes of Other Organic Personality Disorders

This is usually pre- and postnatal brain damage with symptoms of minimal brain dysfunction in early childhood, often accompanied by developmental delays. The natural cause is asphyxia, for example, as a result of entanglement by the umbilical cord. Various cognitive, emotional, personality and behavioral disorders that are not qualified in previous rubrics due to the inaccuracy of nosology in section F07.

This category also includes:

  • any other specified, but presumptive syndromes of changes in personality and behavior due to illness, injury or dysfunction of the brain of a different nature than in F07 – F07.2;
  • a state with a mild degree of cognitive impairment that does not reach the degree of dementia in progressive mental disorders.

Symptoms of Other Organic Personality Disorders

This group includes behavioral and neurotic disorders in childhood and adolescence, occurring on a residual-organic basis (the so-called neurosis-like and psychopathic disorders). These are phobic, obsessive, dissociative disorders, disinhibition syndromes and actually developmental delays on a residual organic basis.

Clinical example: Boy, 7 years old. Born from the first pregnancy, premature, he cried at once. He began to walk to 1 year and six months, phrasing speech to three years. In early childhood, characterized by inhibition. In particular, he could continue to play with the same toy, staying alone for a long time. The fear of strangers arose at the age of three and became fixed: he was afraid of everyone except his mother and father, including close relatives, he was wary of cats and dogs, he was afraid of loud noises, he started when he walked if he hears footsteps behind. When playing, stereotypical lip pulling is noted. Loves to draw simple geometric shapes. Intellect is disproportionate. In particular, at the age of four he already knew all the letters and could put them together, however, he speaks little and reluctantly, often answers questions in monosyllables. Nibbles nails. Joyful – disinhibited, throws objects.

Diagnosing Other Organic Personality Disorders

Based on the identification of neurotic, personal or cognitive impairment on an unspecified residual-organic basis.

Differential diagnostics

It should be differentiated with progredient changes of the intellect in some metabolic oligophrenias, for example, in phenylketonuria, tyrosinemia, Rett syndrome, etc. In these disorders, an increase in cognitive impairment and behavior disorders is noted.

Treatment of Other Organic Personality Disorders

Treatment includes effects on an organic basis (nootropes – nootropil, phenibut, glutamic acid, encephabol, aminalon) and symptomatic therapy aimed at neurotic or behavioral disorders (tranquilizers, small doses of neuroleptics).