Multiple Personality Disorder

What is Multiple Personality Disorder?

The second essence is the favorite subject of psychoanalysts and writers. Dorian Gray O. Walda, Stiller M. Frisch, Batman and Catwoman, and almost all of the wonderful characters in Batmanology are all multiple personalities. He (she) is one (one) in the morning, another (another) in the evening, while the previous state can be amnesized or he (she) remembers it. The second essence somehow influences the I, alienates its functions and has its own characteristics and motor skills.

In modern psychiatric classifications, the disorder in ICD-10 (F44.81) is formulated as a multiple personality disorder, and in DSM-IIIR (300.14) as a multiple personality disorder.

Causes of Multiple Personality Disorders

In 20% of cases of a multi-person disease, the possibility of a history of epilepsy is recognized, with temporary hyperfunction of the temporal region with the dominance of another person, it is indicated that one identifies with several individuals at the same time (which may be characterized by different memory, IQ, psychology). The isolation of the multi-person pathology is associated with the observations of victims of totalitarian and psychoenergetic sects, victims of crises, the effects of hypnosis, transactional analysis, and refers only to the 70s of the 20th century. This is an etiologically assembled group, in which dissociative disorders predominate, a “secondary gain” from the disease and the sound of psychosexual conflicts are noticeable. Although more than 300 such cases have now been described, they constantly cause controversy.

Symptoms of Multiple Personality Disorders


  1. the existence of two or more different personalities within an individual, but only one is present at a given time;
  2. each personality has its own memory, preferences and characteristics of behavior and at times (periodically) takes complete control over the behavior of the individual;
  3. there is an inability to recall information important to a person that exceeds the scale of ordinary forgetfulness;
  4. the symptoms are not caused by organic mental disorders or disorders associated with the use of psychoactive substances. That is, one can notice the existence in an individual of two or more different personalities that manifest at the same time, one of which is dominant, but none has access to the memories of the other. A change of personality is sudden and associated with traumatic events.

Diagnosis of Multiple Personality Disorders

Differentiation from schizophrenia is most often possible only taking into account the emotional-volitional disorders and formal thinking disorders characteristic of the endogenous process.

Multiple Personality Disorder Treatment

Psychoanalysis, pathogenetic pharmacotherapy.